How Do I Find My Listing?

Many accountants will find that they are already listed on CPAdirectory. To find your listing, you can search directly through your dashboard, or use our standard CPA search page to locate your listing. You can choose to search by state or zip code, as well as including your name in the search if desired.

Tip: For the best result, try searching by state first, which will likely return your listing in the event that your zip code has changed since your record was last updated.

You can also search for an accounting firm listing as well, which is separate from your personal listing by visiting our accounting firm search page.

Note: If you intend on claiming your listings, you should consider creating your free account first, since only registered users can claim a listing.

Cant find your listing? No problem, as long as you have logged in to your free account, you can create a new CPA profile in our directory.