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Two EV tax credits in one year for two vehicles

We just bought a Tesla and are thinking about buying a second, if we will get the $7500 tax credit for the second vehicle as well. Can you get more than one EV tax credit if you buy a second car?

Asked Wednesday, December 13, 2023 by Christopher F.
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Investment and Finance

Can I transfer Sole Prop. earnings into my LLC?

Hi, I have an LLC but do not use it. I work with a partner at our clients pay him and he then gives me my percentage of the earnings. I file my taxes as a sole prop. that said, I'd like to open a solo 401K and to do so with a brokerage like Vanguard or Schwab, they require an EIN. I was wondering two things: 1. can I just use my LLC EIN even though I have no earnings through it specifically and 2. if I need to have earnings, can I simply transfer that into the LLC?

Asked Wednesday, December 13, 2023 by Nick S.
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Family Issues

Sell of home before or after divorce is final?

Getting a divorce and have positive equity in our home. One partner says to wait to sell home prior to finalizing divorce for capital gains reasons. I'm not sure about that. Is there any downside to finalizing divorce THEN selling the house? Thanks.

Asked Tuesday, December 12, 2023 by Ed K.
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Personal Taxes

CA Settlement Distribution

I’ve been awarded a settlement after being sexually assaulted at work in CA. A portion of it is lost wages (taxable). What is the best way to distribute the remainder funds to save on taxes?

Asked Monday, December 11, 2023 by Erica P.
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Tax Filing Tips

An amazing tax opportunity? Am I correct?

My son will have no taxable income this year after the standard deduction is applied. He has considerable capital gains from a stock portfolio I created for him 8 years ago (approx. $450,000). Is it true that he will not owe ANY capital gains taxes if I sell all the stocks in his portfolio, providing I don't buy them back within 31 days?

Asked Sunday, December 10, 2023 by Frank M.
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Small Business

Best entity for tax benifits as a single person with low business income

Hi, I would like to form US business entity from India. I already had a discussions with companies like doola and incfile for this. But I'm unable decide the best entity type for me. Here is my situation: I need US business entity and business bank account for the purpose of Google AdSense and also for Affiliate marketing payments. I will be the sole owner of the business. Infact I do not even take any amount as salary because the income from this business would be very low initially and it the income will not be a constant income. I might get $500 in one month $100 in another month or it could be $5000 in another month. So it is extremely fluctuate from time to time. So I do not take any salary from this and I do not employ anyone. i will handle all the things and take the profit at the end of the year. But every month I will take some amount as a freelancer. So whatever amount is left at the end of the month after all other business expenses, I will take that as the freelancer amount and I will show this as a business expense at the end of the year for tax filling. So, basically, there would not be any amount left to distribute to me as a profit. Because I'm taking all the remaining amount after deducting business expenses as a freelancer amount. so there won't be any amount left to distribute. So, I'm thinking S-corp for this. But my question is that there is a "reasonable salary" condition in this entity. Does this apply to my situation? Thank you,

Asked Sunday, December 10, 2023 by Ajay R.
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Self Directed IRA

Beneficiary ROTH

Can I move money from a Beneficiary ROTH (10 year rule) to a regular Roth (owner is 62) If so is there a special way to do it?

Asked Friday, December 08, 2023 by Terry M.
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Tax Filing Tips

Large Donation To My Own Nonprofit

I run a very small nonprofit (less than $10,000/year for two years). I would like to donate $50,000 of my inheritance, which I received in 2023, to my nonprofit. When is the best time for me to do that (for a tax credit)? When is the best time for my nonprofit to receive it (to not disturb bookkeeping/avoid tax issues)?

Asked Thursday, December 07, 2023 by Christopher G.
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Deductions and Write-Offs

Can i claim CCA and deduct lease payments in the same year ?

I bought out my leased car in June (which i use for business 80% of the time). I'm wondering if i can deduct the lease payments from january to june and claim CCA for the remainder of the year). I'm aware that one cannot deduct lease payments and claim cca simultaneously. thanks!

Asked Thursday, December 07, 2023 by Sami T.
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Personal Taxes

Real Estate Partnership depreciation

I was wondering if real estate depreciation losses can be used to offset Roth Conversion taxes. I would like to do IRA to Roth Conversions and will have significant real estate depreciation losses. Would these losses be able to offset the tax liability for the Roth Conversion? Thanks!

Asked Thursday, December 07, 2023 by Lee P.
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