Unanswered Tax Questions

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Personal Taxes

employees special tax exemption

I am my disabled daughter staff who lives with me. I filled out special tax exemption form, but do I need any other forms filled out?

Asked Monday, April 10, 2023 by Negin S.
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Personal Taxes

Money received from a trust

Is $ received from a trust taxable for the beneficiaries?

Asked Monday, April 10, 2023 by Connie O.
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Deductions and Write-Offs

Are Repairs on a rental tax deductible, plus capital expense?

Asked Monday, April 10, 2023 by Robert C.
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Tax Filing Tips

Will I receive a refund text or email

I'm 64 years old retired Jan 2022. I have full custody of my 16 years old son and don't receive child support. My SSI is approx 18800 yearly. Will I receive a refund if I file and claim him

Asked Sunday, April 09, 2023 by Nicholas P.
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Deductions and Write-Offs

Scholarship charges for room and board I didn’t use

I had a full ride scholarship that would include room and board, but I lived off campus instead and never used either. Since I never officially cancelled the form the room and meal plan was charged and then paid for with the scholarship. All automatic. Is there ANYTHING I can do to correct that or not have to report that part as income?

Asked Sunday, April 09, 2023 by Todd T.
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Tax Filing Tips

Deducton to be p

How much monies should be paid to the state as a retiee from 4882.20

Asked Sunday, April 09, 2023 by Marcia M.
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Personal Taxes

Tax Liability On Inherited Real Estate Sale

My father recently passed away. He owned a house that was purchased in 1975 +/-. In October of 2022 he added me to the deed as owner along with him. Purchase price was $35,000, sale price will be approximately $400,000. I am located in Teller County, Colorado and am 62 years old. The house is in El Paso County, Colorado. Can you tell me what my tax liability from the sale will be and any way to minimize the liability if available. Thank you.

Asked Sunday, April 09, 2023 by Joseph N.
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Claim a dependent

Receive SSI will claiming a dependent effect my benefit?

Asked Sunday, April 09, 2023 by Donna B.
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Tax Filing Tips

Michigan 1099 Tax Deductions

Hello, I just started working the beginning of March this year (2023). Its a 1099 job. I have never worked a 1099 so I'm not sure what I should be taking out every check for fed and state taxes, FICA, and Social Security all of that. What percentage should I be taking out and saving for next years filing? I am married, but we will be filing sperately because he doesnt want this 1099 to mess up his taxes.

Asked Sunday, April 09, 2023 by Christina W.
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Family Issues

Claiming a dependent

I have had a child in my care for last 2 years. Very distant relative. I do have guardianship of her from biological father as mother is deceased. Can I claim her and how?

Asked Sunday, April 09, 2023 by CINDY M.
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