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Will I still owe

I filed 3 of 4 w-2 's, I claim zero and yet I still owe. Is it because I couldn't file my fourth w-2?

Asked Sunday, October 22, 2023 by Jess H.
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Deductions and Write-Offs

HOA fees and room rental

My brother has moved in with me and pays$400 rent for a room in my house he also performs 75% the cooking and cleaning within the house, also he pays electric bill 100, cable bill 85 and this is how we reach fair market value for rent. Which is $967 for a studio in my area per fed housing website. I have never claimed him on my taxes and he's been renting from me since 2021 which when I bought my condo. Should I go back and refile my taxes so that that he is showing on my taxes. Also if I do that I currently live in a condominium are my HOA fees deductible if I do this these in water, garbage, heat, ac, etc.. We also recently had a special assessment that was the help replaced our balconies, roofs, garages concrete repairs, electrical box in my unit, and things in that nature is a portion of this special assessment deductible.

Asked Sunday, October 22, 2023 by Peter J.
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Personal Taxes

Go fund me

Hello- I am wondering if I must pay any taxes for a go fund me account asking for 10,000. I am in Illinois. Is there a limit as well before you must pay taxes? How does it work?

Asked Sunday, October 22, 2023 by MaryAnne L.
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Accounting Terminology

marking a item I like to sell up 25%

is dived .75 by price item same as matking up 25% If I want to sell a item with 25% Mark up

Asked Saturday, October 21, 2023 by Kyle H.
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Personal Taxes

Can I avoid double taxation in my situation?

Already paid inheritance tax on $60,000. Invested it in annuity, and want to withdrawal. Will I be taxed on the original $60,000 again as additional income the year of withdrawal? Is there a way around that, as I will already owe an early withdrawal penalty also?

Asked Saturday, October 21, 2023 by Paul S.
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Receiving SS, and national guard retirement, fed taxes taken out. Live in mass. Divorced, no dependents. Do I have to file?

Asked Friday, October 20, 2023 by Rob E.
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Personal Taxes

Real estate transaction with in a trust

My folks, who have now both passed on now, have two properties put in a Trust. The Trust was filed by my parents in Florida. My brother and I are both equally 50/50 trustees. My brother wants to buy me out of one of the Florida properties which I'm Ok with since he needs a house. Am I subject to capital gains tax on this buyout ? What does transaction process look like ? Does my brother deposit funds into the trust account and then the trust pays me out ? Can the funds directly be deposited from his account to mine ? What tax liabilities am I responsible for if any ? Best Regards Mike

Asked Friday, October 20, 2023 by mike s.
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Small Business

Acquisition 338 election

Acquisition 338 election

Asked Friday, October 20, 2023 by Ankit B.
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Nonresident Tax Issues

State tax refund

I love in California. On my W-2 , there are state tax payments addressed to Minnesota, the employer office. How to get a refund from MN to pay what is owed to CA?

Asked Friday, October 20, 2023 by Tobenna O.
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Business Formation

Form 2553-Election by a Small Business Corporation

I hired a WY registered agent company to form my corporation and they are asking me to complete form 2553. I want the company to be qualified as a woman owned business and I listed my wife as president and myself as treasurer and secretary. Specifically, column L of the form is asking me to list the "number of shares or percentage of ownership" and I'm not sure what to put there. Would I list her as having more shares than me since I want the business to qualify as woman owned? Next, column M is asking for a social security number or EIN of each shareholder. Since the company does have an EIN, would I use that for each of us, or do I need to use our SSN's? If we use our SSN's, how does this affect the anonymity we are trying to accomplish by forming a corporation in the first place? Thank you, Lance

Asked Friday, October 20, 2023 by Lance S.
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