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General Accounting
Reviewed by M. G. in Brooklyn, NY

If it were possible to leave a negative review I would. Do not waste your time with this man. he has a miserable demeanor. I also responded to a flyer he mailed advertising his CPA work thinking that since he was local it may be a great way to meet an accountant that could potentially help me with my taxes this year. His deskside manner is comparable to sandpaper on your teeth. I experienced this man saying he "doesn't have time to go over it" and that he was "doing this as a courtesy" for me. When I called him after waiting a week for him to even look at my papers, he called me with the same number I got using Turbo Tax acting like he did me a favor and being argumentative on the phone about it. This is an old man who is obsolete, disheveled, unprofessional, incompetent, piece of work