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General Accounting
Reviewed by Jay H. in Oshkosh, WI

He has done my taxes for a few years this year came a little later but I didn’t mind if I filed an extension as he did in the past. He wanted me to file and fill out as much as I can on his text Thome website filled out what I could submitted it he acted like he had no idea what I was doing so we wanted me to fill out the organizer so I did that to my best of my abilities as I am no accountant he sent me an email a few days later stating that he does not know what to do here that he thinks I should come and pick up my taxes and take it to someone with ESP. “Psychic capabilities” I replied asking if there was more I could do to help him he replied stating that he likes me but feels some people should not be in business. So in his words I shouldn’t be in business because I didn’t give him a piece of paper showing some things that he needed but all he would’ve had to do was ask. That’s why I pay him to do my taxes I’m not good with the accounting stuff and I don’t know all the stuff you need so if I forgot something or didn’t give you a piece of paper that stated some things to help you file my taxes just ask for it don’t belittle the person and tell them they shouldn’t be in business . He’s done my taxes for a few years and this is the first time he’s told me I should never be in business and that I should take my taxes to a psychic so they can read my mind. I don’t need you to read my mind I need you to do my taxes. After speaking with other CPA’s I was treated very bad.