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General Accounting
Reviewed by Chris S. in Amherst, NH

My wife and I used Nicole for 3 years for both our business and personal taxes. Everything was prepared and handed to her on a silver platter from our book keeper who managed the books for all 9 businesses and personal accounts. We had monthly meeting to make sure there were no questions with the book keeper. Yet every year we filed for an extension for both our business and personal tax filings because Nicole was not able to take that information and get it in on time. Her rates kept on going up. Her fees kept on going up. We got a 5k business tax bill, Another partner got over 9k. Between our filing and my business partner she had over 9 returns to file between the 3 of us. We all walked away when she continued to jack up her rates and NEVER once hit the tax deadlines without filing for extensions. We got quotes that were 50 to 75% less. We switched and magically the new CPA was able to file ON time for all 9 returns. So much less stress after the switch out of Feldman CPA.