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General Accounting
Reviewed by Melissa G. in OFallon, MO

Not trustworthy! Caused Penalties and then lies to you over the phone! Asked Joel Kamil in Feb to do my 2020 taxes and sent him all my tax information and forms. Sent multiple emails and told they were working on my tax returns. September sent email with my work and personal email because still no response. Called the following day and staff confirmed they received my email. Joel Kamil forgot to send me my payment forms, and I found out the hard way there was a deadline. I called on October 22 and asked what happen, but Joel Kamil blamed one of his staff. October 24 finally received payment forms and Joel Kamil wrote “I suggest you send a check and date it October 15.” I called him to explain I was worried about a penalty, and he said I should not worry, he will “take care of it”. Received penalty letter from IRS and State, emailed multiple times but no reply. Called Joel Kamil said he will prepare a letter, and I will only have to pay for the interest only. One month later received letter, and now he said I need to pay the interest and the penalties. Sent multiple emails with no response, and now when I called I was told he is busy.