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Reviewed by Chris .. in Long Beach, CA

I've been very dissatisfied with Freshta as my CPA. Very disappointing because she seems like a nice woman. After she filed my 2020 tax returns, I've received 3 letters from the IRS and $1,300 in penalties. The information that she provided me was inaccurate, indicating a lack of knowledge regarding personal and business tax code. When I tried to call her regarding these penalties, she was unresponsive and conveniently unavailable. Her process of collecting documentation and clarifying questions was disorganized and painfully drawn out-- countless emails and calls back and forth requesting information and asking questions. I'd prefer a much more streamlined process, similar to the other CPA's I've worked with. Lastly, her invoice was 5 1/2 times more than her initial quote to file my update or mention of the change until I received the bill.