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Reviewed by Fraud I. in Beverly Hills, CA

Craig Tessler is a very, very scary individual. Like he says, he "deals with money, not morality." He is a very adept financial expert, but he does not care about the welfare of other people, and has borderline sociopathic qualities. Really, what you are looking at is a five foot 4 version of Martin Shkreli or Bernie Madoff. He thinks he can get away with anything, and has ruined many peoples lives. He specializes in hiding rich peoples money off-shore, and he freely admits it. Also, a lot of people are pissed off at him. Someone got so angry with him that they hacked into his corporate phone and email accounts (hah, he had it coming). Give them a call and listen to the message; it's honestly the most hilarious thing I have ever heard. Seriously, go for it: (310) 571-4000 (this number is public, so feel free). This is just an opinion formed from talking to multiple who have has their lives destroyed by him. It is an editorial remark, and not meant to disparage him in anyway.