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General Accounting
Reviewed by Mark M. in La Jolla, CA

Brian Brinig was hired by my ex-wife’s attorney from 2018 until 2021 as part of a divorce to serve as a business valuation expert of a corporate entity that functioned as both a surgery center and to pay the combined overhead of our mutual medical practices. The divorce agreement gave me (the surgeon) the operating room and its equipment. Brinig never bothered interviewing me (the surgeon) or the office manager about profitability of the operating room, income or expenses associated with the surgery center to help him determine the value of this corporate entity minus the surgery center before trial. Brinig drafted a valuation that he presented at trial in early 2020 of this corporate entity as a profitable surgery center that was worth nearly $1.7 million. Brinig, who never bothered reading the divorce agreement to understand what he was valuing, admitted at trial in January 2020 that he did not recognize that the operating room and surgery center should have never been valued. In a profound understatement, he stated at trial that his valuation of a surgery center without an operating room “was kind of a problem technically.” Ultimately, the corporate entity minus the surgery center was valued by a Superior Court judge at trial in 2021 at $270,000. Brinig’s careless error in his accounting measures for a seven figure valuation of this corporate entity before trial put us through 4 years of misery and millions of dollars in wasted legal and accounting fees.