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Reviewed by Kelly D. in Hanford, CA

John Garza was recommended to us by a family member about three years ago and, as he has an office in Hanford as well as Visalia, we decided to use him as our tax preparer. Last year, we gave him our packets of information, including bank statements, IRS distributions, 1099s, etc. When returned to us the paperwork had numerous blaring errors. He "assumed" numbers were correct and "assumed" he had all the information he needed. He blamed his "staff" for not scanning all documents and even went so far as to state some documents were missing, when they were not. When we caught the error that he had actually switched our bank account numbers it was not a big deal to him. We told him he had us in trouble with the IRS, with not only 2014 taxes but 2013 as well, as we were late with payment and penalties were adding up. We felt he did not take this seriously. He said he could see we were clearly unhappy and his solution was "we should part ways." He did not own up to any mistakes, was very unprofessional and obviously did not take our IRS issue seriously. Because we received such inaccurate tax information from the office of John Garza we cannot and will not recommend his service to anyone. We have to wonder how many of his other clients are in trouble with the IRS and are not even aware of it. Unsatisfied Customers