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General Accounting
Reviewed by Heather T. in Calhan, CO

Absolutely horrible service, we had an appointment with him back in March to do our taxes we met with him for an hour and gave him all of our information. (everything was organized into files and spread sheets). He said he would work on our taxes and everything would be good to go in a couple of days. We didn't hear from him, a few weeks went by still no response to phone calls, texts or emails. Continued to reach out and occasionally short responses would be "I am working on them" Finally end of April we reached out again since the tax deadline was approaching and he was very short and rude and said he was getting to it. Than the next day our information was sent back to us and no taxes had been done. So he had held on to our stuff for 2 1/2 months with less than 5 responses to our messages than with less than 3 weeks to do our taxes he mails the stuff back. Very unprofessional. He should have said from the beginning he didn't want to do it. We are very patient and easy going people and have no problem paying a professional to do our taxes. HORRIABLE HORRIABLE HORRIABLE.