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General Accounting
Reviewed by Denise L. in Upper Marlboro, MD

2020 Mr. Lee and his Staff (some) are very personable. He has been preparing my taxes yearly for more than 20 years. However, this past year, I realized that he had not been properly accounting for my DC property. I immediately called him and he avoided me for months. I was able to speak with Marsha who was very helpful. Marsha understood the situation that I was now in with the DC Government and was able to get someone else on Staff to correct and properly prepare six years of taxes. Of course, I had to pay DC fees, penalties and interest. To this day, I have not heard from Mr. Lee. I strongly suggest you not use him for tax preparation. He bails when there is a problem and to make matters worse, it was a problem he created. I now think his tax knowledge was limited but he talked a big game. You have been warned! UPDATE 2021 So, I was just made aware that Me. Lee failed to account for $35,000 worth of deductions that I was entitled to claim in 2019. Now, I am wondering what else he missed! A MESS!