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General Accounting
Reviewed by Eric N. in Vacaville, CA

I honestly just needed to hang up the phone at that point. It was disgusting. My jaw dropped and my heart begin racing. I did not want to lose it on him. I figured I would just take the appropriate route by reporting him to all available resources, The BBB, NASBA, YELP, Google, Clutch.CO, whitepages, CPA etc For a business professional like this to be serving the public is beyond me. I do not understand how someone like this could even get licensed in the state of California. When you’re dealing with and serving the public you should not be making racist or prejudice remarks or opinions or viewpoints when dealing with clientele in the marketplace. It is extremely offensive and not right. I hope that anyone that comes across this review can come forward and open up to share their experiences with Brian as well because his license should be revoked as a practicing CPA in the state of California. I am very sure if he came off this way to us after a 30 second conversation over the phone. I can only imagine what else he must say to his existing clientele with who he deals with on a daily basis. Situations like these in our community should always be escalated and handled correctly by reporting it to the appropriate agencies. I am taking the roll in doing the right thing and reporting Brian to the state of California. Anyone else that would like to screenshot this and put this on their social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc is welcome to. I give