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General Accounting
Reviewed by Eric N. in Vacaville, CA

(Racist) I would like to share my experience with Mr. Brian Gilpin. My wife gave him a call for some tax advice today 3/22 he answered the phone with a very cocky tone. She had to pass the phone over to me because she couldn’t deal with him. I noticed a huge change in his voice when he asked for her first and last name and she gave him her name which is a Hispanic last name. When I took over the phone call he asked me how long we have been in business for And said your wife mentioned you guys owe $30,000 in taxes from last year. He then asked me, “Why don’t you guys just pay it then?” And he said this in a very smart sarcastic tone. I said, “well we are in the process of arranging a payment plan with the IRS. And Brian said “ figures, you’re “KIND” are always behind on their taxes. It’s a shame that you cannot pay your taxes. I was shocked to hear what I was hearing? We are in 2021 and it’s sad to see we are still dealing with so much racism from so-called business professionals in our community that feel superior over other individuals with different skin color or nationality. I asked him, “excuse me?” And he still had the audacity to clarify himself by saying “I have lots of Hispanic Latino clientele and the majority of them on average are behind on their taxes. It’s a shame! I am not trying to be racist or anything but I’m just speaking facts” I honestly just needed to hang up the phone at that point. It was disgusting. (To be continued on second review)