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General Accounting
Reviewed by C T. in Frisco, TX

Jennifer missed my October 15 tax filing deadline, which is bad in and of itself. I'd been trying to reach her for weeks prior and she assured me up until 10PM the night of the October 15 deadline, she would get it completed. I have the emails to prove this. As it turned out, she admitted she hadn't had time to look at my file to ensure she had everything she needed. Not only did she miss the deadline, when I asked her to write a letter I could show to the IRS demonstrating it wasn't my fault, but she in fact also fabricated a letter of lies, accepting no responsibility and by the time she sent it to me, she had already sent it to the IRS. It's bad enough to miss a TAX EXTENSION after having all of the necessary documents from the client, but knowing I would be penalized by the IRS for missing a filing due to her failure to do her job, she had the audacity to write and send a letter to the IRS LYING about the circumstances. This is someone that is not trustworthy, but also malicious in going out of her way to cause unnecessary problems with the IRS for her "clients". I have since cleared this up with the IRS, in spite of Jennifer's LYING to them and hopeful her CPA credentials will be revoked. I'm sure I'm not the first and won't be the last she will do this to. She is not only unprofessional but acted maliciously to try to make things worse.