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Reviewed by Melissa Y. in Peachtree City, GA

I was in the middle of a nasty divorce during which my ex-husband would lie about everything, even on the stand, in an effort to prove I was an un-fit mother. My life was in turmoil already when I received multiple letters from the IRS saying that I owed (jointly with the ex-husband) over $34K in taxes for 2010, 2011 and 2012. This debt to the IRS was incurred when my ex-husband was running his own business; during that time he would file our taxes electronically joint returns for the two of us. I was not part of the filing process, as he advised I was not part of the business and he would “handle it.” In seeking help, I was referred to Wayne P Harrison, CPA. Wayne welcomed me along with my disputes assured me that he would do his best to prove I needed “innocent spouse relief.” Wayne was able to prove this by showing that my ex-husband refused to include me in the tax filing process and had no say or control in the decisions made on my behalf. With Wayne Harrison’s incredible assistance, I was able to prove to the IRS that I was not liable nor responsible for the debt incurred in my name.