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Reviewed by Claire T. in Seattle, WA

I worked for an accounting firm that was owned by this man and two others. The other two associates, the office manager, and my co-workers thought that I was doing a great job, and my work reviews reflected that. But Mr. Lipp was quite often drunk, and as such fired someone every couple of weeks just because he could. He insisted that accounting be done without backup paperwork... very unprofessional. He insisted his employees work lots of unpaid overtime, which is now illegal. Most of his employees lasted only a couple months... I managed to make a year. Until one day he pointed at me and said "YOU are my bad day!" and like that, I was fired. I certainly hope Mr. Lipp has gotten help with his drinking problem since then. I am sure he would be a lot more professional, both to clients and to his employees, if he had. I understand what he was going through... I was just over three years sober myself when I worked with him.