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Reviewed by Manuel M. in Miami, FL

Dear all, My wife did not receive her personal 2016 tax return. Mister Stephen E. Rothmaler is pushing her into a big delay regarding the admin and her tax obligations. I have been developing for 20 years many international companies all over the world as CEO and used to work with many CPA all over the world and in the US. I never met such unfair and unprofessional accountant! As she has repeatedly informed Mister Stephen E. Rothmaler and he is well aware, my wife will no longer use the services of Mister Stephen E. Rothmaler as the contractual relations with his represented company were terminated due to my personal choice of our CPA for our 2017 tax returns. Since we are married we need to do our 2017 tax returns together, the delay of my wife's is delaying our both 2017 tax returns. Mister Stephen E. Rothmaler should immediately deliver to her new CPA, all the accounting and commercial documentation of her companies and for her individual documentation, located at your address, as well as at your CPA office address. Mister Stephen E. Rothmaler's refusal to do so despite the repeated to Mister Stephen E. Rothmaler notifications of this, brings additional damages to my wife's , if it continues, it will force us to take legal action to repay the damages of my wife's personal returns, which Mister Stephen E. Rothmaler and his CPA firm have incurred. The annual accounting closing of my wife's individual tax return as well as the drafting and publishing of the annual financial statement are undertaken by Mister Stephen E. Rothmaler and should be released since a long time! You should have done my wife's tax returns 2016 and you did not! It is a shame in the CPA branch to do such things! Manager of Galuny SA Group.