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Reviewed by Tonda S. in Pasadena, MD

We did business with this firm for a year in that years time we had a terrible experience. We are a small business which this firm really hurt our business they were not attentive to our needs. Attending to payroll, business assistance, tax reports, answering questions. Weeks and months would go by without a return phone call about situations that ended up costing us money each time. The months following, they did not provide us with timely responses to our very basic questions about tax filing. They file our taxes wrong costing us fines. They filed extensions on our taxes and result of penalties/interest, not to mention the undo stress the lack of communication the replacement preparer completed our taxes. They would not fix the predicament that they got us into, we had to call the IRS and write letters. They provided far more confusion with filing our taxes in the wrong counties and did nothing to back up their mistakes, we had to take care of it and then they gave us a bill. I am not sure how this company operates or how they justify their billing. They never provided answers to our questions or the IRS. Greg Schuussler CPA firm was literally the worst experience we've ever had with a CPA. Their accountant grossly miscalculated our tax liabilities leaving us with paying a tax bill with a fine we were not expecting. It was a simple "math error" that was admitted to be the fault of the CPA. It cost us a few hundred dollars in penalties and interest payment as a result. They overcharged for services we did not receive in our best interest