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Reviewed by Kevin K. in Phoenix, AZ

My wife and I have been doing our taxes with this clown for over 10 years now, and we will never use him again! I had contacted Gerald earlier this year about getting some copies of some of our taxes from previous years. He told me he can do that for a fee of $5. I went ahead and told him to send them to me. After a week of not receiving them, I contacted him again. This time he told me the copies will be $35. We then scheduled an appointment to get our taxes done. The appointment was scheduled for 3:00 PM. The night before the appointment, Gerald called and told us he needed to move our appointment until 9:00 PM later because he was behind schedule. We showed up at his office at 9:00 PM, and he told us he was running behind schedule. He was still with one client and had two others waiting before us. I was livid, and left! I do not recommend Gerald to anyone! He is disrespectful, dishonest and doesn't have any respect for his clients. Do yourself a favor and look for somebody else for your taxes.