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Reviewed by John B. in Chicago, IL

I've had the great pleasure of working with Khaled and has staff for the last 2 years. They are super easy to work with, always very professional and have always helped me find the best way to get my taxes filed and perfect! I rang multiple tax firms but many couldn't answer my questions, were slow to respond or didn't bother get back to me at all as I had an unusual situation involving income/assets from a foreign country to report and some real estate transactions. When Khaled rang me he diligently went through my situation and confidently dealt with it, he offered me an upfront fee over the phone (which other firms would not give me) which was reasonably priced. The return was dealt with very promptly, with a follow up call taking me through every email which put me at ease. Excellent service, strongly recommended Bottom Line Tax Services to anyone, businesses, individuals, they are the best!