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Reviewed by John C. in Des Moines, IA

I sought Thomas' help to file my tax returns. After receiving the money, he would never reply to your emails. Never responds to your text messages and would never pick up your calls. He's highly unprofessional and goofs up the tax returns. You can certainly find a better CPA who would charge you less and who would return your calls. I didn't receive my state tax return even after 7 months of filing it. Mailed Thomas thrice. Left text messages once. And called twice (leaving my contact number, name on his voicemail), but he never called me back. He charged me an exorbitant amount to file my tax returns and when I had to seek answers, he doesn't have the time, or he simply doesn't bother once he has received the money. Worst CPA services ever! I should have rather filled my tax return on my own, that would have saved me both time and money.