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Reviewed by Steve P. in Chicago, IL

Tim delivered absolutely nothing -- AND told me he could NOT COMPLETE the DAY BEFORE the IRS tax DEADLINE after weeks of email and text message promises. This is totally unprofessional/unethical and well as a violation of contract agreement. Tim commited to personal / business for 2016 and an amended for a previous year and was given documents by Feb 10th, 2017. After continued emails and texts to see if he would deliver (as he was not very responsive and/or vague), he consistently indicated he would have everything done. The day the IRS deadline (the 18th this year) before he indicates that 2016 were not done at all (not business, not personal) and he needs an extension (and doubt he filed one in March for the business - he never offered proof after being repeatedly asked to provide. He had the gist of the documents for the amended back in NOVEMBER 2016 with the additional of some receipts in Feb 2017. Same response as business / personal. I WILL have them done (and after continued asking for dates, finally got "by the deadline"). Tim also assumes you can drop everything the day they are due and just leave your job, meetings, schedules, commitments and somehow get the taxes at a post office that day (hey, The Post Office is open till midnight and you have no plans, right?), give him time to get them and then you have to get them later with his signature. WHAT? Tim completed my 2014 taxes in 2015 and had them completed & delivered by March 26th 2015, so I assumed he would be consistent and do the same at a later date. The guy is totally unprofessional and should have his certification yanked. Do not do business with Tim Haggerty, CPA. You will regret it