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Reviewed by Jeremy H. in Rego Park, NY

I am a regular customer of this accountant firm for the past 3 years. However, it will be the last for me to use their service. Short story begin when I need copy of my 2015 form 1040 tax income, and they not even told me that they did not save my record in their files, but also asked me to check my email because they sent it to me. So basically, if you accidentally do not save your email and lost the pdf files, you are in trouble, because they would not bother to resend the pdf files again to you. If you want them to resend the pdf files they charge you $50 for each year. This is my first time experience with an accountant firm that really money oriented and being very helpless with their regular client. In addition, their employee, Sara had shown me not even she had a very bad customer service skills, but also the way she responded to a customer request was like someone who never goes to school. When I asked her to resend copy of my 2015 income tax pdf file, she told me that she had sent it and would not bother to resend it again. She stated, If I lost it that's my problem not her problem. When I asked her about the IRS number she responded me by saying, "Google it." I paid their service very expensive for an individual income tax service but they have been treated me like a crap! No one should treat their customer with such of disrespect like this. I would not recommend their service to my friends, family nor to anyone in this world. Period!