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Reviewed by Elizabeth M. in Austin, TX

Let me begin by saying: if I could leave 0 stars for James Dupont, I would. I hired James Dupont to do my taxes last year, 2015. I had worked in New York the previous year, and in Austin, Texas, but the reason he was handling my taxes is because his daughter was living with me at the time and I was working to provide for both of us because she had lost her job. I could not believe the incompetence James Dupont showed doing my taxes. Not only did he fail to file separately for New York, he also forgot to include one of my tax forms from a job: I waited 9 months until finally I researched and called and discovered that he had done my taxes completely wrong. I went to H&R Block who could not believe the negligence with which this man worked on my taxes. We discovered that I actually should have had a return $1500 OVER what James Dupont was going to get for me. He did not even ask me if I had health insurance, which of course affected my return. So in the long run, I did get a very healthy return thanks to having to go somewhere else, but do not go to this CPA he is a scam.