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Reviewed by Mike L. in Vista, CA

One of the worst, incompetent accountant. One of previous business owners themselves do the payroll much better. Heck, even an immigrant (no offense) whose not an accountant and handles more people than he did, does a better job in payroll and in taxes, and keeping shit legal. I question his CPA license and his quality of work and how he's getting work. My past employer (Chinese businessman) uses his services, probably because he speaks Chinese (with a heavy who knows where accent), friend of a friend, or that cheap ass boss wants to save money (which I don't understand how, since there are much better and cheaper online service like Paychex, Zenfits, ADP). With him, I've had delayed checks, slow auto-pay setup problems, no receipt, not following order, etc. How many problems can you have? How many laws are you violating with this guy? Fortunately, I don't have to deal with this imbecile anymore.