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Reviewed by Traci S. in Dana Point, CA

Raffi’s organization and attention to detail is un-matched! He is thorough with his work, yet timely and able to move quickly. His dedication to adhere to deadlines is apparent, and will work tirelessly to see things to completion. In addition, Raffi keeps a strong line of communication open with his clients and is excellent at articulating questions, comments or concerns that arise throughout the process. He truly makes himself available to his clients and is prompt in his response time. In my time working with Raffi, his knowledge and passion for his work is evident and I looked forward to our conversations. Raffi is a pleasure to work with and will devote to time to learn about the person, as well as the task at hand. You will be well served to use Raffi for your accounting needs, as I continue to be impressed not only with his work, but also his character.