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Rated 5 stars out of 5
Reviewed by Naiyir E. in Houston, TX

Dear Mr.Montellano , My name is Naiyir Elbially. I have a B.B.A in accounting and I recently relocated to Houston, TX from Cairo, Egypt. I am interested in learning more about the accounting field and the types of opportunities available for a recent college graduate with limited experience in the field of accounting. I recently acquired a bookkeeping certificate and I am currently applying to bookkeeping jobs. I noticed that you started off your career as a bookkeeping assistant and are currently working at the prestigious accounting firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers. This is the career path that I am interested in pursuing. If you are available for an informational interview I am interested in discussing with you how to start off as an accountant in the US., what types of opportunities are available and how to best pursue them. Any advice that you can give me would be much appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Naiyir Elbially Cell#(832)998-3621 email: