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General Accounting
Reviewed by Lisa W. in Saint Hedwig, TX

Mary Wright has refused to give ABC Foundation and Construction the final payment owed to our company for work performed at her 2nd home in Corpus Christi,Texas! We have contacted her numerous times and emails and have been very patient as she had been with the delays of her project at her home. ABC admits with sincere apologies on how much time it took to finish and we give no excuses, but as of August the job is 100% completed and we were not demanding any kind of payment until now! We felt it was right to give Mary Wright time to pay the final payment and we gave her 3 months to pay, but she is not accepting our calls except to the daughter and was very nice and agreed to meet Mr.Alexander before the 14 or 15th of December, but had failed to communicate any further about what day or time. At this time we are now adding interest to the $10,000 she owes and only to attempt to get her attention that she needs to make the final payment and to stop further proceedings going any further than today! Mary Wright, knows how much we have been very patient and understanding with her and her own journey she has been on these past months, but to neglect her responsibilities and not communicate with us unless we send out letters that demand payment is not what we were hoping for. ABC just wants what is owed to their company and this all will stop.