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Reviewed by Warren B. in Covington, LA

My fiancée and I started to have our taxes prepared by Brent Silva at Garrety and Associates, located in Mandeville, LA. After 3 weeks of fiddling with our information, it wasn't even nearly prepared. He would not return phone calls timely, and his email would mysteriously stop working. When we finally got the draft returns for review, my fiancée owed money (has never owed money), and my refund was ludicrously low. I told him to stop the preparation and not to submit, we would prepare the taxes elsewhere. After re-preparing the taxes through a reputable organization, our tax refunds came out exactly within the range we expected, as they have in the past. There were numerous credits he did not include. On top of not preparing the taxes correctly, he then charged us $400 for an incomplete and inaccurate tax return that was never submitted. Word to the wise, do not use Brent Silva for your taxes! It was a complete disaster and rip-off!!!!!!!