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Rated 1 stars out of 5
General Accounting
Reviewed by Completely Unsatisfied C. in Raleigh, NC

I cannot NOT recommend Lacy enough. Her customer service, nonexistent. Her due diligence to proper preparation, subpar… is there a level or three below subpar?? Willingness to own up to a mistake and take appropriate action to correct it, you guessed it - nonexistent!! Having to chase a lead, a toddler, or even a dog is fun - having to chase your accountant (via phone, text, email and literally driving to multiple locations) NOT so much fun. Being quoted a price which is between $450-675 MORE than what multiple other people are posting their fee was for an even more complicated filing, well that seems quite strange, and like she was trying to take advantage of a new client. Ultimately, a new accountant was hired, an extension needed to be filed, and our taxes have to be redone - but at least correctly this time. Save yourself time, money, and a massive headache and don’t use Lacy Drummond as an accountant. * wouldn’t have even given 1 star for any category, but making sure people are seeing those empty rating stars emphasizes just how much I do not recommend her!