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General Accounting
Reviewed by Matthew D. in Wausau, WI

I have had nothing but issues with Jim and Lynn for years in regards to handling taxes, mishandling documents, communication and down right poor customer service. They said they are retiring and they should. Delay after delay after delay for years because they are too busy running marathons or dealing with injuries. Then this past year we get a letter in the mail they are cutting back their client list and retiring. Meanwhile they can’t even send back all our personal and business documents, W2’s and other important documents that we provided to them. When you email them, they won’t return emails. When you call them, they make it sound like they are too busy, dismissive and unprofessional. I’ve witnessed Jim verbally abuse his wife on multiple occasions and maybe that’s why she acts so disgusting to his clients. DO NOT USE THESE PEOPLE! Beware! Beware! Beware!