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General Accounting
Reviewed by Leah L. in Ellicott City, MD

I am deeply disappointed with Matt's services. He completed our taxes in 2020 and 2021. I got a referral from a friend to use him. My husband and I had a very simple tax situation in 2020-21, so all that was necessary was simple email communication. Our taxes were even simpler in 2022 (why we used Turbo Tax for that year). In 2023, I approached him about helping us out again, and he said he could. I uploaded my documents and he sent our free quote, which was about $200 greater than in previous years, due to the complexity of our tax situation, which I agreed was fair. By this time, we had both had job changes and we'd had a daughter. I expressed that I'd like him to wait before starting, because we had a problem with my husband's income. He had received a 1099, but was being improperly classified as a independent contractor, when he was very clearly a full time employee. So I told Matt we needed to sort this out with the employer before proceeding. He did send me a few lines of advice - suggesting ways to remedy the situation and explaining the main expense difference between @w and 1099 (the social security tax cost). Before I saw his explanation email, I expressed I'd like to chat over the phone to explain our situation more, and to see what he suggested. His quick response was, "I really have laid it all out to you, sorry. I don't want to talk more - if employees at that gym are getting benefits, then negotiate for some of that, too, or the cash equivalent." I will be taki