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Reviewed by Greg C. in Jacksonville, FL

Robert Thaggard was extremely rude to my wife and myself. We felt degraded and humiliated. There was absolutely no sense of professionalism on his part. I was embarrassed for recommending him to my wife and suggesting that she come down to meet with him. There was no reason for him to talk down to us the way he did. My wife and I are devout Christians and were so surprised at the way he turned on us. Talking to me that way was one thing but doing it to my wife was completely unacceptable! He does not need to be in front of the customer at all! So the facts are this. The address he lists is not even recognized on Mapquest. He struggled multiple times on the phone to guide us to his office making us feel he didn't even know where he was located or anything about his surroundings. This caused us to be a about 15 minutes late but we did our absolute best to find this office that is not exactly easy to find. His attitude was not friendly at all. Because we didn't have a couple pieces of information, he said we were very unorganized and he didn't want to serve us. BUT right before that, he said if we were missing anything we could email it or mail that information later. So instead, all the sudden, he said he didn't want to help us at all. If he had of done this in a professional courteous manner, everything would have been fine but it was quite the opposite. Extremely rude and degrading to us both. Thanks for reading.