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General Accounting
Reviewed by T C. in Houston, TX

Nicole is an UNSCRUPULOUS CPA. I hired Nicole Durio to do my ERC filing. I advised her that I used a PEO. She told me that she was going to get me more money than my PEO could. She said that she would get my filing done and submitted sooner because my HR company only did quarterly filings. Given this, I agreed to work with her. She sent me a letter with the terms which stated, “our professional fees for the services outlined will be calculated as 10% of Employee Retention Credit.” Her letter outlined that I needed to send her a retainer of $25,406.33 to get started. A few days later, I discovered that I would needed the original 941 from HR company. My HR company refused to provide the original 941 and they told me that I had to utilize them to do my ERC filing. I shared this information with Nicole Durio and despite this she INSISTED that she could get my money faster. In January of 2023, Nicole said that she was giving up and that I would have to use my HR company. I asked her for to return my retainer. She returned a partial amount of my retainer but kept $8531. Her engagement letter CLEARLY stated that her rate was 10% of what she collected. She collected $0 and her fee should have been $0. I also learned from my PEO that the calculations that Nicole did for the ERC filing were INCORRECT. She over-calculated what I was owed by $195,110. 8 months later, she still hasn't paid me the remaining $8531 of my retainer.