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General Accounting
Reviewed by Andrea L. in Bluefield, VA

This accountant was somehow able to take POA over my mentally ill (step)father, behind my mother’s back. My mother had been his POA for years. We still have no idea where or how this accountant got involved with my dad, as none of us had ever seen him around our dad, but rather than file the POA with the courts, he just had his girlfriend notarize the document & he used it..This accountant started running my parent’s company, my mom was removed from the board, behind her back & a couple of months after this accountant took POA over my dad, the police picked my dad up, and he was involuntarily committed into a behavioral health facility. It was there that this accountant spoke with my dad’s doctors and told them that he was my dad’s POA and had been doing “forensic accounting” for my parent’s company and found that my dad’s family & employees had “embezzled millions” from the company, when if fact, there was zero embezzlement, nor did anyone accused have access to finances. He lied. This accountant also demanded that my dad be placed, against his will, into an adult living facility & said if he was discharged home, he would see to it that my dad had no money or place to stay. The SW got the ethics committee involved & my dad was discharged. This accountant later found buyers for my parent’s company and after the courts removed him from the company, we got POA taken away from him, and brought my dad home, this accountant maliciously sent In amended tax returns on my dad.