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General Accounting
Reviewed by Lane H. in Great Neck, NY

The absolute worst of the worst - do not even call them because they run the machine constantly -they don’t take your phone calls seriously and then they have people like one of the so-called “owners” Paul Borgwald in charge of bullshit. This is the worst human being you will ever want to meet on the he dumped me and my boys all of age within two weeks of tax filing deadlines. He stole personal monies from me, failed to correct an accounting issue with the IRS for two of my three boys who have done nothing wrong have paid their taxes and he can’t figure out what’s wrong he just tells me all I don’t know what they did wrong. I didn’t personally withdraw the money so I don’t know I mean are you kidding me this is his explanation. The taxes were paid from the brokerage account with his OK and now he doesn’t know what happened. We are moving on to 10 years now and he still doesn’t know what is going on. He is an absolute crook do not trust him. He has gotten me into issues with the tax agencies as well, and he doesn’t care to straighten it all out. He is a loser, and I would urge everyone who reads this to run out the door and never look back. This farm is horrendous. Thanks to Paul Borgwald the most ugliest man you ever saw.