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Reviewed by Scarlet F. in Great Neck, NY

Robert Levy was the brother of my late fiance, Michael C. Levy. I lived in the house with Michael and his brother. After Michael died, Robert promised to give me Michael's car, which was still registered and insured in the name of their dead mother, Elaine Levy. In fact, Michael was going to sign the car over to me, but died before he could complete the process. When I asked Robert several time to put the car in my name as Michael had intended and Robert had promised, he took back his promise. I had spent nearly two years taking care of my ill finance, yet Robert broke his promise and said he was going to sell the car to his son instead. He gave me 3 days to leave the house after I had lived there with Michael and sometime after that. Their home, at 121 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY just sold for an estimated $1M+, a third of which would have gone to Michael had he lived. Here is the MLS listing I am disabled and now without a car and unemployed. I nearly became homeless due to Robert. He tricked me into moving out and said that he would sign the car over to me as soon as I moved out. Well, that date came and went. Secondly, he often came home drunk and I had to clean him up after he spilled food all over himself and the kitchen floor. When he didn't come home drunk, he became so shortly after he came home. I write this as a warning to not trust this man in any of your business affairs.