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General Accounting
Reviewed by Gianna P. in San Diego, CA

If I could leave this guy 0 stars I WOULD! The absolute worst experience I have ever had dealing with him for the past 4 years. Why 4 years … I sold my homestead in 2019, gave him my documents to file my taxes for that year. When he finally got around to them I ended up getting a bill from the IRS for $149k!!!! He had completely left off the information regarding the sale of my home. When I brought to his attention he gaslit me to know end saying I never sent him those docs to properly file even though I emailed them directly to him on at least 3 different occasions. When he finally amended my 2019 taxes in 22’ I got a bill for $17k! He called me irresponsible for not having that money saved to pay that bill, 3 YEARS LATER! I took my taxes to a different account and she amended them and not only am I getting almost $4k BACK, she stated in her over 40 years of doing taxes and fixing returns she had never seen someone make so many blatant mistakes and felt in her professional opinion this man shouldn’t be doing taxes as his work was completely incompetent. DO NOT USE THIS MAN FOR ANYTHING TAX RELATED Now I am having every return this man ever did for me reviewed because this was egregiously wrong and he needs to retire.