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Individual Taxes
Reviewed by Dea A. in Centennial, CO

I would leave negative stars if I could. My husband and I had a 30-minute, new client meeting scheduled with Matt today. His assistant, Katie emailed us the date, time, and place, which they confirmed. Matt didn't show up after 15 minutes, so I called and had to leave a message, and sent emails to Matt and Katie. I finally got a call from Katie who said Matt was involved in a traffic "incident" and was on his way. (He lives .6 miles from our meeting location.) I asked Katie what his ETA was, and she said she would text him and find out, but we never heard back from either of them. We waited another 30 minutes and left. Neither Matt nor Katie bothered to reach out after the fact. My first clue should have been when I tried calling Matt to ask about his services, but he never answered the phone or returned two messages. I reached out again with an email, which he answered. Unbelievably horrible customer service and communication, not to mention a huge waste of our time, and now we have to find someone else to do our taxes.