As a CPA with, you are now eligible to participate in this new exclusive program that should provide you with substantial savings on your auto insurance. Even if you are currently insured with GEICO, you could save even more money by mentioning your CPAdirectory affiliation. has partnered with GEICO to offer registrants a special discount on your auto insurance that is not available to the general public. We have made it easy for you to save on auto insurance. It actually takes as little as 5 minutes to find out how much you can save – much less time than the popular GEICO commercials state. Complete a simple, no-obligation rate quote – to get started, just type in your ZIP Code.

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Insurance: GEICO's CPA Auto Insurance Program

When was the last time you looked at your auto insurance policy premiums? You are probably paying too much.GEICO is now offering CPAs and Tax Professionals a special discount not available to the general public. Find out how much you can save on auto insurance with GEICO. 

Note: GEICO is a trusted partner. The views and claims expressed by our partners are their own, and do not necessarily represent those of