About Richard M. Heller

Richard Heller is a CPAdirectory verified CPA, licensed to practice in the state of New York. The requirements for licensure in New York ensure that Richard Heller maintains the highest standard of knowledge and ethics when operating as an accountant. CPAs may practice as a public accountant, work in private industry, education or government, and are often considered experts in tax preparation. Their overall educational requirements and training in business and knowledge in principles of general law and taxation provide CPAs with the skills to help individuals with both personal and business financial decisions.

Richard Heller is licensed to practice as an accountant in New York under the license number 116880.

Accountant Details

Education and Degrees

No education details are currently available for this accountant.

Languages Spoken

Richard Heller provides accounting services to clients in the following language(s):

  • English

Specialties and Skills:

Contact the accountant directly to find out about learn more about their skills and specialties, since not all may be listed. All CPAs, including Richard Heller, have at the minimum an undergraduate degree in accounting verified by the state board of accountancy, and have passed a rigorous national exam. All certified public accountants must also adhere to mandated continuing education requirements, set by the state in which they are licensed.

  • Basic Accounting Services

Industry Specialties

  • No Industry Specialties

Professional Memberships

Richard Heller has not provided any professional membership details.

Contact Information


Richard Heller

Cambridge, MA 02140

Phone Number: Not Available
Fax Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

Client Reviews

0 Reviews for Richard M. Heller
Note: Massachusetts Certified Public Accountants are licensed and certified to provide independent attest services which includes the audit and review of financial statements which may be required by third parties to provide a level of assurance that the financials accurately reflect the financial condition of the company or individual. If you need accounting, bookkeeping and tax preparation services for your business located in or around Cambridge, Massachusetts or you just want your individual income tax return prepared, use our search to find a local accountant.